Thursday 28 February 2013

Jim Davis

You and Your Ships is a revealing personal account of the shipping business over the last 50 years.

Jim Davis's obsession with ships began at the age of 3 or 4 and thereafter he develops this theme with vigour, but there is an appropriate blend between career and personal elements. He describes the dangers and circumstances of his childhood war experiences, with his somewhat protracted bachelorhood and relationship with his mother and her death. He goes on the describe his loved wife and family, details of his years in shipping to the present where there is no longer any major UK shipping company left. He is engaged in the real Global Maritime World. The Author gives us a fine mix of the amusing, the poignant and the dramatic.


J G Davis, CBE K(DK)                                                                                  Immediate Past President, Institute of Export
MA (Cantab), FCILT, FICS, FNI, FIFF, FRSA, FISM, F Inst Ex             President, Danish-UK Chamber of Commerce
Chairman, International Maritime Industries Forum (IMIF)                   President, World Ship Society
Chairman, Midway Shipping Limited                                                         Vice President, The Marine Society & Sea Cadets
Chairman, Wigham Richardson Shipbrokers Ltd                                     Council, The Mission to Seafarers
Deputy Chairman, Hanjin Eurobulk Ltd                                                     Governor, World Maritime University
Director, Foresight Ltd                                                                                 Chairman, ClassNK British Committee
Deputy Chairman, Indian Ocean Cruises Ltd                                           International & London Committees - Bureau Veritas
Advisory Board, ShipServ Ltd                                                                   Hon Member, General Committee, Lloyd’s Register


This delightful little book is an excellent and authentic reflection of the man behind it.
Ships and Shipping

This engaging memoir by Jim Davis is everything a maritime publication should be.
Bow Wave Issue

This is a well written account of the shipping business over the past 50 years. 
Shipping Today & Yesterday

A very good book about a very good life well-lived. At the same time, a fascinating modern history of the global shipping industry.
Melbourne Shipbrokers

Price £14.45  P & P £3.00 UK £4.50 Europe £7.50  ROW
Available on   email:   or tel 01913735660 with card details and address

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