Wednesday 22 August 2012

What Our Authors Say About Us

Sir Nicholas Bayne Economic Diplomat

The production by The Memoir Club is exemplary and a rich selection of photographs aid greatly in
relating to the characters whose life this account details

Andrew Stewart from the Defence Studies Department at Kings College London

You have worked wonders. Keeping up with your speed is quite a challenge, Yet another very satisfied customer.
Brian Wilson

Educated in Northern Ireland and England, Brian Wilson became a scholar of Christ’s College, Cambridge and a lover of Classical and English literature, choosing not to follow his parents, both consultant surgeons, into medicine, nor his archbishop grandfather into Holy Orders, though theology has been a lifelong interest. Instead he became a schoolmaster, teaching in some of the country’s leading independent schools (Radley, King’s Canterbury, and Eastbourne College) before becoming Headmaster of Campbell College, Belfast, during a challenging period of educational as well as civil disturbance, and then deputy head of St Mary’s, Wantage, a leading girls’ boarding public school.  He has been an ‘A’ Level Chief Examiner in Latin and Ancient History,  a local councillor, an author and translator who has lectured for Swan Hellenic on their Mediterranean cruises, and for twenty years a religious broadcaster for the BBC. He also served for a time on the Central Religious Advisory Committee of the BBC/ITV.
Brian Wilson, Experience Is An Arch


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